As approved at an Extraordinary General Meeting 11th October 2007
The purpose of the Pre-War Austin Seven Club Ltd (hereinafter referred to as The Club) will be to provide the opportunity for enthusiasts of pre-war Austin Seven cars to:
1.1. Hold regular meetings in a social atmosphere throughout the year to provide members and their families with an
opportunity to meet each other. Meetings may be of both social and technical nature and be of general interest to all.
1.2. Provide members with information, advice and assistance on matters connected with aspects of Austin Seven motoring and motor sport.
1.3. The Club’s operating procedures are defined in the Memorandum and Articles of Association. These rules interpret how these will be applied. In case of dispute, the Memorandum and Articles of Association will be held to be correct. - MEMBERSHIP
2.1. Membership of the Club shall be open to anyone having an interest in the Austin Seven or related motorcars.
Membership shall cover immediate family living at the member’s home address allowing only one vote per family.
Applications by persons under the age of eighteen must be countersigned by a present or guardian.
2.2. Only paid up members and elected honorary members will be eligible to act as officers of the Club.
2.3. Associate membership may be awarded for a limited period, at the discretion of the committee, for which a fee may be charged. Such membership will carry no voting rights.
2.4. A register of all members shall be kept by the Membership Secretary. All members will be requested to furnish specific information on joining the Club and should promptly notify any subsequent changes.
2.5. Members are reminded that the Club abides by the Data Protection Act - FINANCE
3.1. The Club will be financed by members’ subscriptions, which are due annually, at the end of March. Reminders will be
issued in January and February.
3.2. Members failing to renew their subscription, after due notice, will be deemed to have left the Club and therefore will
not continue to receive Magazines after March in the year it is due. On leaving the Club they forfeit their Membership
and voting rights.
3.3. The subscription will be reviewed at each AGM as appropriate.
3.4. All monies paid to the Club shall be banked by the Treasurer into any account held in the name of the Club and no
disbursements shall be made from these accounts except in accordance with the formal authorization of the
Committee or a nominated quorum.
3.5. Should the PWA7Club Ltd be wound up, liability to any debts is limited to one pound sterling per Member. - CLUB OFFICIALS
4.1. The authority and responsibility for the transaction of business of the Club and its management shall be vested in the committee.
4.2. At each AGM the following officers shall be elected: Chairman, Secretary, & Treasurer plus general Committee
members to a maximum of twelve.
4.3. Each committee member may stand for re-election at the AGM. New nominations, with the consent of the nominee,
must be submitted in writing, proposed and seconded, to the Secretary no later than 14 days prior to the AGM.
4.4. Additional committee members may be co-opted as required to further the needs of the Club.
4.5. No meeting of the committee will be quorate unless two officers and four committee members are present.
4.6. The Chairman will have the casting vote.
4.7. The Committee business will be minuted and made available to members on request.
4.8. Sub committees of not less than three persons may be created to deal with any special requirements.
4.9. Group Secretaries are ex-officio Committee Members. - CONDUCT OF MEMBERS
5.1. The Committee will have the power to reprimand or expel any persons thought to be acting in a manner likely to bring the Club into disrepute.
5.2. In this event, the Secretary shall give the persons at least seven days written notice to appear before the Committee
giving full details of the alleged offence.
5.3. The persons concerned shall have the opportunity to defend themselves against any allegations to the Committee at a pre-arranged meeting.
5.4. Expulsion from the Club shall require a majority vote of the Committee.
5.5. The title of the Club may only be used by Members for Trade, Advertising, Legal or any Business purposes of the Club after specific and formal approval by the Club Committee.
5.6. No member shall purport to represent the Club on any matter except with the express permission of the Chairman or Committee. - MEETINGS
6.1. The Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held in October of each year.
6.2. One month’s notice shall be given via the Magazine of the date of the AGM and shall include a nomination form for
Committee members.
6.3. The Committee shall have the power to call an Extra Ordinary General Meeting (EGM) at one month’s notice. Members may ask for an EGM, however, eight members need to sign a petition to the Secretary stating the reason for the EGM. A quorum for an EGM requires a minimum of twelve members.
6.4. Likewise a quorum of twelve voting members is required for an AGM.
6.5. Voting shall be by a show of hands unless a majority requests otherwise.
6.6. The Treasurer at the AGM will present a Statement of Accounts showing the receipts and expenditure for the previous year. These details will be available to Members on request.
6.7. When members wish a matter to be discussed at an AGM, text of such matters signed by at least two members shall be sent to the Secretary at least fourteen days before the date of such meeting. - RULES
7.1. Every member upon joining the Club and subsequently when renewing subscription, agree to abide by the Rules of the Club and as such accepts as final and binding the decision of the Committee in all cases of dispute or disagreement.
7.2. Club Rules may be amended at an EGM providing members are notified of the intended changes at the time the notice of the meeting is published. Two-thirds majority is required for alterations to be made to the Rules.
7.3. A copy of the Club rules to be issued to all Group/Centre Secretaries/Representatives and will be available to members from the Club Secretary on request
A note to this effect to be printed on the membership card cutaway surround and on the website. - EVENTS ORGANISATION
8.1. All events run by either the Club or regional Groups/Centre, must be run in accordance with the Guidelines published from time to time by the Committee, (A copy is available from the Secretary), and must do so with due respect to the Law, General Public, the rules of any other participating Motor Clubs and any other applicable regulations.
8.2. Events requiring MSUK authorisation must be coordinated through the Competition Secretary.
8.3. To benefit from the A7CA public liability insurance, the Committee must approve all events organised by Local
Groups/Centres. For normal social events, blanket approval will be given, however, it is the duty of each Group/Centre
Secretary or agreed representative to inform the Club Secretary of their plans.
8.4. Events should always be planned to be self-financing. However, the Committee may consider applications for financial support.
8.5. Any events being organised in the name of the Club where payments are involved must be properly recorded and funds should pass through the Group/Centre Bank Account. (see Section 9.3) Under no circumstances should money be paid through individuals personal bank accounts. - LOCAL GROUPS
9.1. The formation of Local Groups of PWA7C members to further the objectives of The Club is to be encouraged.
9.2. The local organisation will be appropriate to the size of, and elected by the Group/Centre. It could comprise either a
local representative or a small local committee to conduct the business of the Group and liaise with the main
Committee. There will be only one point of contact who will be the agreed Group/Centre Secretary or Representative.
9.3. All Groups/Centres/Events Organisers that take any monies for activities in the name of the Club are required to hold a bank account in the name of The Pre-War Austin 7 Club???? Group/Centre. At the end of March each year they must supply to the Club Treasurer, a copy of their accounts, or a statement that there have been no financial transactions made in the name of the Club.
9.4. The Group/Centre may entertain visitors, who are not members of the PWA7C, but who wish to take part in
Group/Centre Events. Such Visitors will not have any membership benefits offered by the Club, other than social
membership of the local group. This means they cannot take part in the organisation of the Group, have any voting
rights, receive the Club Magazine or partake of any other benefits accorded to paid up Club Members (note this
includes Club Insurance discount). These visitors should be actively encouraged to become fully paid up members of the PWA7C.
Revised November 2020
The PWA7C does not have to register with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) – this has
been checked via the ICO website’s ‘Registration Self-Assessment’ tool. However, we are advised by
the ICO that we should “continue to adhere to the principles of the Data Protection Act (DPA)” and
use best practice for managing information. Therefore we have worked through the required 12
steps and prepared for the GDPR as follows:
- The Committee of the PWA7C (as the decision-makers) are aware of the fact that we do not
need to register with the ICO but are aware of the change in the law and that the Group will
adhere to the principles of the DPA and use best practice. - The personal data we hold on members is: First name Surname Joint members name (if
applicable) Address Telephone number(s) E-mail address Details of Austin Sevens owned. The
latter is voluntary. All data comes directly and solely from individual members. We use this
information to communicate with you or to respond to your enquiries in accordance with the
options selected. Your personal details are used only to send the PWA7C and the Association
magazine to you and for communications from the Club or Group Secretaries to keep you up-to-date
with events and other relevant news. No data is given to any other member or third party other than
the Austin Seven Clubs Association. - We have produced a Privacy Policy – this is available on the website or from the Membership
Secretary. - Members have a right of access to personal data held about them and to request a copy of that
information. They also have the right to require us to correct any inaccuracies in that
information. To obtain a copy of the personal data or to require a correction, please contact the
Membership Secretary. - Members may have their personal data deleted by the Membership Secretary on request. When
an individual ceases to be a member their data will be deleted as a matter of course. - The PWA7C processing activity is solely concerned with the administration of membership
records and communication with members – it only obtains, records, stores and updates it (all
electronically except for original joining and renewal forms), it is solely responsible for how the
data is processed, and it is only processed for recreational reasons – no sharing with any third
party other than the Austin Seven Clubs Association takes place. - Membership application and renewal forms must be signed and dated and the section stating
that the applicant/member gives their consent to their data being stored, accessed and deleted
(according to the PWA7C current published Privacy Policy) must be completed. - The PWA7C does not accept members below the age of 16. Anyone under the age of 16 is
welcome to attend meetings and events provided they are accompanied by a parent, guardian
or responsible adult. - Any suspected data breach must be reported to the Membership Secretary as soon as
practicable. - A Privacy Impact Assessment will be undertaken by the PWA7C should it decide to change its
membership records system or seek to obtain additional personal data from members for
whatever reason. - The Membership Secretary is the person responsible for data protection compliance. The
PWA7C is not required to appoint a Data Protection Officer. - The PWA7C does not carry out cross-border processing.
Dated 1 December 2020
The Pre-War Austin Seven Club Ltd. (PWA7C Ltd.) is committed to protecting the privacy of its
members. The PWA7C Ltd. does not have to register with the Information Commissioner’s Office
(ICO). However, it adheres to the principles of the Data Protection Act (DPA) and uses best practice
for managing information.
This Privacy Policy sets out the data processing practices carried out through the use of the internet
and any other electronic communications networks by the PWA7C Ltd.
Information collected. The only information we collect and store is that supplied directly and
solely by members. It will only be kept while an individual is a member.
Membership Our joining and renewal process requires you to give your name, name of joint
member (if applicable), address, telephone number(s), e-mail address and details of the Austin
Sevens you own. The latter is voluntary. We use this information to communicate with you or to
respond to your enquiries in accordance with the options selected. Your personal details are used
only to send the PWA7C and the Association magazines to you and for communications from the
Club or Group Secretaries to keep to keep you up-to-date with events and other relevant news. No
data is given to any other members or third party.
Cars In order to keep the Austin Seven Clubs Association’s Chassis Register of surviving Austin
Sevens up to date, details of your car(s) will be submitted to the Registrar. However, your name and
address will not be included in the data submitted.
Events Personal data may be used to keep you informed of meetings, new or existing events and
Use of cookies The PWA7C Ltd. website does not use cookies.
Website usage data The PWA7C Ltd. website does not keep track of website usage.
Security To protect information about you from unauthorized access and misuse it is kept on a soleaccess
password protected computer in a locked house. Only the Membership Secretary has access
to the full members’ records. A copy of the relevant contact list may be used by other Officers and
Committee Members of the PWA7C Ltd. to communicate with the membership as explained above.
We use the most accurate and current information you provide in order to maintain your
membership record. You can opt out at any time having your data used in this way, by contacting
the Membership Secretary.
User submissions Any material, information or other communication that you supply to PWA7C
Ltd. (other than your personal information) will be considered non-confidential and non-proprietary,
unless we are advised to the contrary. PWA7C Ltd. will be free to copy, disclose, distribute,
incorporate and otherwise use the communications and all data, images, text and other things
embodied therein for commercial or non-commercial purposes.
Other websites Our website contains links to other websites which are outside our control and are
not covered by this Privacy Policy. If you access other sites using the links provided, the operators of
these sites may collect information from you which will be used by them in accordance with their
privacy policies, which may differ from ours.
Access right You have a right of access to the personal data held about you and to request a copy of
the information held by us in our records. You also have the right to require us to correct any
inaccuracies in your information. To obtain a copy of the personal information we hold about you,
please contact the Membership Secretary (details below)
Changes to privacy policy We may review and edit this policy from time to time. If we make any
substantial changes we will notify you by posting a prominent announcement on our website.
Questions or suggestions If you have any questions or suggestions regarding this policy, or have
any concerns about our website practices, or believe that we are not adhering to our privacy policy,
please contact the Company Secretary by email. Should you at any time wish us to remove your
personal details from our database please contact Membership Secretary by email.
Dated 1 December 2020
The Pre-War Austin Seven Club Ltd (hereinafter known as ‘The Club’) recognises that we have a
moral and statutory responsibility to safeguard and promote the welfare of all of our members
this includes members of our committee, our volunteers, participants and those who attend our
events socially.
The Club is committed to providing a safe and welcoming environment where everyone is
respected, valued, and supported to participate or volunteer with our club.
This policy applies to all events and meetings organised and run by The Club.
This policy is in line with the Motorsport UK Safeguarding Children Policy as The Club’s national
governing body.
Policy Aims
The purpose of this policy is to:
- Demonstrate The Club’s commitment to safeguarding.
- Promote good practice which encourages the development of a safe and positive
environment for all.
Policy Principles
- The welfare of our members is paramount. The Club has a role to play in protecting our
members from physical, emotional and sexual abuse, from neglect and bullying. - Everyone, regardless of age, ability, culture, race, language, religious beliefs, sexual or
gender identity, have equal protection rights. - Safeguarding is everybody’s responsibility. All volunteers and club members have a
responsibility to respond positively, swiftly and appropriately in response to any
concerns, suspicions, or disclosures that may suggest a child or adult is at risk of harm. - For MSUK events (Bert Handley Memorial Championship and Sporting Trials, The Club
adhere to #RaceWithRespect:

Members of The Club’s committee will:
- Embed this policy and work according to its principles.
- Promote and publicise this policy with all members.
- Ensure it has a minimum of one Club Safeguarding Officer, licenced by Motorsport UK
who is in receipt of an enhanced DBS/PVG check. - Support the Club Safeguarding Officer in their role.
- Ensure that any services contracted out to other providers take into account the
requirement to safeguard our members from abuse, neglect or harm.
Members of The Club will: - act according to the principles of this policy and associated procedure.
The Club’s Safeguarding Officer will: - Meet the annual licence requirements set out by Motorsport UK.
- Promote their role to the community.
- Be contactable during club events or through the designated Event CSO.
- Attend training as required by Motorsport UK.
- Embed local safeguarding policies and procedures and work in support of the Local
Authority Designated Officer (if required to do so). - Support the implementation of safer recruitment requirements, ensuring that anyone
classed as being in regulated activity with children has appropriate suitability checks
Contacts Information
The Pre-War Austin Seven Club Ltd Safeguarding Officer
Name: Colin Danks
Telephone: 07891817035
Lincolnshire County Council (Local Authority Designated Contact)
Name: Lincolnshire Safeguarding Children’s Partnership (LSCP)
Web referral:
Telephone: 01522 782111 (Mon- Fri 8am to 6pm or 01522 782333 (outside office hours)
The Motorsport UK Safeguarding Team
Telephone: 01753 765056
This policy was confirmed by the Directors of The Pre-War Austin Seven Club Ltd on 11.11.2024
For a PDF copy of the PWA7C safeguarding policie please click here.
For a PDF copy of the PWA7C safeguarding procedure please click here.