
Group Details & Contacts

Meet Wednesdays 7.30pm for 8pm, September to April, at Navenby Methodist Church Hall, High Street, Navenby, LN5 0EN

Contact: Peter Rowlands, The Old Stackyard, Swinderby, South Scarle, Newark, Notts, NG23 7JW
Mobile 07884 445518

Email Peter Rowlands

LINCOLNSHIRE GROUP WEBSITE  Please have a look at our own group’s website, run by our own webmistress Brenda!

January 2025 Report

Despite the wintry weather, 29 stalwarts braved the elements to attend the Group’s AGM on Wednesday, January 8th. With Peter Rowlands bedridden, suffering from a severe bout of flu, Tony Johnson gallantly volunteered to chair the evening. We were saddened to hear of the deaths of both Pat Mather & Maureen Fairbrother.

Our guest speaker, Chris Hewis, began the proceedings by recounting his life as a theatre manager and professional musician, working in venues ranging from pubs and working men’s clubs to some of the finest theatres in the land. Over a long career on stage, TV, radio and recording he performed with many of the big stars and regaled us with some fascinating stories and anecdotes of his life in showbiz. He received a rousing round of applause when he reached his finale.

Following the talk the AGM began with Peter’s Report being read in his absence:

2024 was a good year but 2025 will be even better with more runs & more on our calendar. I want to retire as your Sec next year but will stay on the committee. We need younger people to step forward – particularly people with better IT skills than mine. Through ill health & people moving away, we desperately need new blood. Running the Lincs Group has been both a privilege and rewarding.

Ben Gadsby, the Hon Treasurer, was involved in a collision with a car “being driven in a manner inappropriate to the conditions” on his way to the meeting. Although the “attack vehicle” was written off, fortunately no-one was injured. As Ben was suddenly unable to attend, there was no official Financial Report, but it could be reported that the Group’s finances are in a healthy condition & financial spreadsheets will be available at our February meeting.

Details of a very full programme of events for 2025 are listed elsewhere. However, these events do not just happen. They are the result of the efforts of the Committee. If the Lincs Group is to continue to be one of the most dynamic groups within the PWA7C, then our Committee needs to remain strong. With it being in jeopardy due to people moving away and health issues, Rodney Smith’s volunteering to join the Committee was warmly received. However, ideally a couple more volunteers would be very welcome.

The reason for keeping the Club Car had been questioned in the past so, having been given twelve months to think about it since last year’s AGM, there followed a long and healthy debate on the future of the Lincs Group Club Car, with contributions from the floor plus two emails in support of its retention. When the vote was taken, apart from two abstentions, all entitled to vote were in favour of its being retained, with no-one against. So, the Club Car, unique to the Lincs Group lives on! Graham Beckett was warmly thanked for his generosity in providing free storage for the car and trailer over many years. However, it was agreed to try & find a more suitable smaller trailer which would ease the burden of manoeuvrability in Graham’s workshop. Also, it can only be used at Trials in the near future while the concerns re, Insurance are resolved. Peter is liaising with R & H on this matter.

Christmas Luncheon

31 members attended for a jovial & convivial lunch. Super variety of “Festive Jumpers’!

Some hilarious unisex xmas presents & a jolly good time was had by all.

Dave Wilcox Memorial – Winter Trial

Once again a great event, with 48 entries, no rain but damp & cold! Special thanks to all those who organised & marshalled at the event. You all know who you are but a special mention must go to Andy Storer, Ben Gadsby, Graham & Anne Beckett, Julia & Dennis Bingham& Ian Bancroft. There will be a full report in the February Magazine however, there was immediate positive feedback on Facebook.


Wed. 12th Feb.     “ It’s Hell on Wheels!  Learning to Drive industry”. – Stephen Brown

Wed. 12th March     Shoebox Race Night . [ Entry forms on our website ]

Wed. 9th April      Talk by Robert Holland “ My Steam Railway “

Sevens to the Sea –    Sunday 13th April, 

Nb. Kingsway Hotel will have an extra 7 bedrooms by then.

Sun. 27th April     Drive it Day – Meet 10.30 @ Bomber Command, Lincoln

Sun. 11th May     May Meander & pub lunch

Wed. 14th May     Newark Air Museum 7pm visit

    Nb. Only pre-booked & paid allowed to visit.

Sun. 18th May     Lincoln Castle Classic Car Rally

Mon. 19th May     Yorks, Shoebox Night, Rawdon Conservative Club LS19 6NL

Sat.  5th July     Grimsthorpe Castle Speed Trials

Sat. 19th July     Garden Party / BBQ   –   Contact Sue Rowlands 01636 892919

24th – 26th July     Cumbria Run [ Contact Ian Hoole, Yorks. Gp. Sec. ]

Austin Rally – Stonehurst Farm   Fri. 30th May – Sun. 1st June 

October 2024 Report

I hope you have all been out and about in your Austins as not too much time before we lay they up for the winter. Remember to keep the anti-freeze in, add Millers “Tank Save” and fill the tank to the top.

Sue & I have recently returned from travelling 1,578 miles on a round trip of Eire, southern Ireland in our Austin Light twelve Ascot.  Fantastic weather, scenery. seafood and Guinness! If anyone is interested in our route and hotels I am happy to provide you with this information. All three Austins ran extremely well, and minor problems easily sorted. The only down side was no E5 petrol which is banned in Eire!!!

We missed Collingham show this year for the first time in 25 years as we were in Ireland. Positive feedback from those whoa attended and also the Sheffield Group End of Season Run. By the time you read this we will have held the Lincs. End of Season Run. Report & pictures next month. Sevens to Sea 2025 filling up, do not delay your entry.

Stayed one night here, The Castle, Castletownsend.

October Talk – Erik Grigg, History of the Lincs. Home Guard

Erik had a wealth of knowledge as a result of his own research and by trawling through archive material. That said, if you have any Home Guard memorabilia by way of photos, log books, uniforms etc. he would be delighted to receive emails :[].



Wed 13th Nov. Quiz Night

Wed. 18th Dec. Xmas Luncheon. – Generous Briton, Brant Broughton [Fully booked]

Sat. 28th Dec. Winter Trial


Wed. 8th  January     “My Life with the Stars Part 2 “– Chris Hewis. Followed by AGM

Wed. 12th February  Speaker – tba

Wed. 12th March     Shoebox Race Night

Wed. 9th April      Talk by Robert Holland “ My Steam Railway “

Sevens to the Sea –    Sunday 13th April, 

Nb. Kingsway Hotel will have an extra 7 bedrooms by then.

Sun. 11th May     May Meander & pub lunch

Sat. 19th July     Garden Party / BBQ

September 2024 Report

Alford Manor Open Day – Sunday 11th Sept.

This Open Day is always on our calendar but unfortunately I was ill on the day. Paddy Malone has kindly done the report: –

A few of us enjoyed another fascinating visit to Alford Manor to watch the annual steam threshing day on 8th September. With three traction engines driving the thresher, elevator and bailer, and numerous vintage tractors scurrying back and forth bringing in the corn, then disappearing with the grain, straw and chaff, it was a hive of labour-intensive activity. Health and Safety, early 20th century style, paid little heed to the scalding steam, thrashing drive belts and the whirling, exposed pulleys and gears. Clearly, back then, people working the land and dealing with machinery used that no nonsense thing called common sense! Lincs Group stalwart, Ashley Vincent, is a prominent volunteer at the manor but survived the day unscathed, despite his proximity to all these potential hazards. Sensibly the viewing public is protected behind a safety fence.

Adding to the spectacle, the display of cars seemed to be appreciated by the visitors, although the number of Sevens was quite modest this year. However, the Gordon England Cup, the Opal and the Chummy held their own with the 2 MGBs, a very early E Type Jaguar and a very bright yellow Corvette with its colour being even louder than its exhaust! With the gardens to view and the museum to explore there is always plenty to enjoy on the open Day and this year was no exception. Those who had concerns over the rather changeable weather missed a treat. As I’ve always said: “It used to rain in the 1920’s” and we still managed the 80-mile round trip with the hood down!

Paddy Malone

Swallow to Jaguar, talk by Nigel Thornley

We had a shaky start because of problem with the technology but thereafter Nigel gave us a fascinating illustrated talk regarding William Lyons life & career. He certainly had a great entrepreneurial gift & the foresight to see the coming of the motor car for the masses. Then moving from sidecars to coach building to ultimately the Jaguar brand. Nigel‘s depth of knowledge was outstanding. A great start to our first round of meetings.

William Lyons as a young man with a passion for motorbikes.

A newspaper with images of a building

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Wed. 9th Oct. Talk  – Erik Grigg, History of the Lincs. Home Guard 

Nb  Robert Holland Talk postponed to 2025

Sun. 20th October End of Season Run Tel Paddy on 01522 751994

Wed 13th Nov. Quiz Night

Wed. 18th Dec. Xmas Luncheon. – Generous Briton, Brant Broughton [Fully booked]

Sat. 20th Dec. Winter Trial


Wed. 8th  January “My Life with the Stars Part 2 “– Chris Hewis. Followed by AGM

Wed. 12th February Speaker – tba

Wed. 12th March Shoebox Race Night

Wed. 9th April  Talk by Robert Holland “ My Steam Railway “

Sevens to the Sea –    Sunday 13th April, 

Nb. Kingsway Hotel will have an extra 7 bedrooms by then.

Sun. 11th May May Meander & pub lunch

Sat. 19th July Garden Party / BBQ

Austin Rally – Stonehurst Farm   Fri. 30th May – Sun. 1st June 

May 2024 Report

May Meander

Seventeen cars entered with 32 occupants. The sun blazed down all day and hats off to Heather & Kurt for a super route. This was a part of Lincolnshire that was unknown to a lot of us. All went like clockwork with an excellent pub for coffee at the start, followed after the 34-mile run by a super Sunday lunch. A really great day out.

A group of people standing in a line with cars parked on grass

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Robert Holland Talk

Tsunami   –   What came next after the waves had gone?

Robert’s father was an undertaker & Robert joined the family firm. However, he undertook a further two year course of study in embalming etc. and It was after this he spotted an advert asking for suitably qualified persons to join The National Victim Identification Team. He was successful in his application and from 1983 – 2004 he attended ten disasters, both in Britain and Worldwide. This talk detailed his time in Thailand assisting in the identification of some six thousand bodies who were casualties of the Asian Tsunami.

It takes a particular type of person to carry out this work and he impressed us with his stoicism and humility of approach when working at these disasters. It was a very moving talk with lots of poignant moments. He is a truly remarkable man who is owed a huge debt of gratitude by the families of the disaster victims.

Sevens to The Sea

Our nineteenth year of this Lincolnshire Event. The maximum sixty had been entered but a number had to cancel due to either illness or family circumstances. It was a super assembly of some 53 cars at the start. Most of those who came from far flung parts [ Liverpool, Manchester, Norfolk , Kent & Yorkshire ] stayed the night before at the starting venue of The Woodcock, Burton Waters, Sue & I were invited to join them for a convivial evening meal and this was greatly appreciated. The Sunday morning began bright and sunny wit the sunshine lasting all day! After my welcome Paddy Malone gave a humorous drivers briefing. The two most important points being, firstly beware of Lincolnshire’s potholes especially when going through the fords. Secondly respect the 5 mph speed limit on Cleethorpes pedestrianised promenade. Then the start was given over to our wonderful Town Crier who delivered this wonderful oration before flagging off each of the cars:-

Now hear ye, hear ye, hear ye

My Lords, ladies and ………. gentlemen?

Welcome to Lincolnshire and the famous Sevens to the Sea Run. It first took place on 4th April 21 years ago and gets better and better as the years go by – just like the cars and crews!

As you motor gently through the scenic delights of our Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, savour the climbs and descents of the undulating Wolds, admire the panoramic vistas as you journey back through time, be thankful that you are able to cool your tyres in the fords you cross and marvel at the rich variety of potholes you encounter as you trundle ever onwards to the sea.

Revel in the friendships these iconic Austins foster and rejoice that you are part of this unique and amazing family.

As I flag you off on your latest adventure, may your oil pressures stay low, your tyre pressures stay high, your dynamos keep charging and your horns continue sounding their distinctive mournful burps!

Let the fun begin. Start your engines. Enjoy safe travel. Overcome all challenges. Wave with vigour to all you meet and smile at everyone you see along the way.

Have a happy day!

God save the King

Only two cars had mishaps, One with a brake lining coming adrift and one with a broken fan belt which holed the radiator. In the sunshine the cars looked resplendent lined up on the promenade. As usual we were the main attraction and all the cars were much admired by the public . David Lucas arranged to marshal & he also produced the excellent finishing Certificates which were presented to the drivers by Heather Mellors, a newly installed member of the national PWA7C committee . She and David also joined us at The Kingsway Hotel for the celebratory evening meal, At the meal David had arranged for the raffle he had organised in favour of Children in need to be drawn . An extremely delighted Tony Johnson scooped the first prize of a limited edition A7 model Altogether some £300 was raised for this worthy charity.

On the promenade & at the dinner there was nothing but praise for the route. It seems that each year our members say “ this has got to have been the best ever run”. The coffee stop went well at The Three Horseshoes  Goulceby, and the ladies of the village of Wa;esby did us proud with their baking skills. No need for a picnic as their offerings were scrumptious. The Kingsway Hotel also did us proud and 79 sat down for the evening meal. Noise levels were at a high throughout the evening as everyone chatted about the day. I gave thanks at the start of the meal for the support of all the entrants with a special mention of “Rocket Ron Low’. he will be 98 in July and had travelled down from Liverpool for the event. He has already booked next years rooms for himself and daughter Joyce. He is a true inspiration. Our national Chairman, Nic Turley, also said woads of thanks to the Lincs. Gp. committee members whilst also urging members to attend the Austin rally at Stonehurst Farm. The evening ended with a good natter over drinks in the bar followed by farewells at breakfast the next morning.

Dave Witton standing next to his Austin 7 on the Cleethorpes promenade. This car travelled 4,300 trouble free miles Coast to Coast in America last summer.

April 2024 Report

Sue & I attended this event which was incredibly well supported by Lincolnshire Group members. Altogether I counted fifteen who had travelled both to support and take part. It was non-competitive and can best be described as a “shake down” prior to Sprints beginning in earnest. Graham Beckett was there with his car and the Club car was trailered there by Bruce Robinson. A fair number of members and their family members had a go around the track. Our good friend Nic Turley was there giving his car a first run out, it attracted attention and behaved flawlessly.

It was well worth the hour and the half journey to get there. A thoroughly enjoyable day.

Below our Club car ready for the Off!


Wednesday 13th March – Shoe Box Night – Scrutineering starts at 7pm for Racers

Wednesday 10th April – Speaker Robert Holland


Sunday 21st April – Drive it Day – Meet at Waltham Windmill for 10.30 am ish

Sunday 12th May – May Meander 34 miles on rural byways – starting at The Griffin Inn, Irnham for coffee 11 am

Friday 31st May/Sunday 2nd June Austin Rally*

Tuesday 16th/Thursday 18th July – Cumbrian Run National Event*

Saturday 10th August – Annual Garden Party/BBQ

Thursday 22nd August – Heather and Honey – Yorks Group*

Sept – Alford Weekend Date to be advised*

Wednesday 11th September – Speaker Nigel Thorsby ‘Swallows to Jaguar’

Saturday 21st September – Collingham Show*

Wednesday 9th October – Speaker to be advised

Wednesday 13th November – Quiz Night

Wednesday 18th December – Xmas Lunch at the Tower Hotel, Lincoln.

*Events not organised but supported by Lincs PWA7 Group

Lunchtime Meet 3rd Wednesday of the month – The Woodcock, Burton Waters


Sunday 13th April – Sevens to the Sea, Nb Kingsway Hotel will have an extra 7 bedrooms by then.

A7 Shoebox Racing Night 2024

Six Lincolnshire members attended this event. Paddy Malone to act as Scrutineer, Howard & Rose Pell as entrants. Sue, Ande and myself were there to watch the fun. It was very pleasing to know that the Yorks. Gp. now have their own equipment all up and running. It is hoped the new East Riding Group will also take on board a Shoebox Race Night. I can inform you that the winner was Rose Pell’s Lincs. entry. Sue Turley & Mary Follows won the Novelty Award with their David Hockney racer.